Saturday, September 19, 2015


1. Nelson said to try writing a list 
2. I don't know how to be original
3. I'm scared of riding scooters 
4. I learned number 3 just today 
5. I'm also scared to order food
6. I want to take a nap
7. I also want to go do something crazy 
8. I hope this is enough 
9. I'm not good at lists 
10. This sums up my life

1 comment:

  1. 1. Your mouse is crazy. I like it, but I keep clicking on the wrong stuff.
    2. Your pen name is rad.
    3. Some of your words blend in with your background.
    4. I freaking love your background.
    5. I like your short posts.
    6. You're better at the lists than you think.
