Sunday, November 8, 2015


I often mistake gave for grave. 

A one letter difference,
A one motive difference. 

Because each gift I gained added another doubt to my uneased mind. 
You promised they were sincere,
But in the end,

Life isn't all about receiving

And I gave you everything. 
And when I die,
On my stone I'll leave an inscription of what you really 'gave'
In hopes that one day I'll learn not to accept death in the form of a gift. 


  1. 'In hopes that one day I'll learn not to accept death in the form of a gift.' MMMMMMMMMMMM SOOOOO GOOD I CAN'T EVEN!!!!! #STOLENx500!!!

  2. "Because each gift I gained added another doubt to my uneased mind"

    i love the word uneased and i wish i could steal every line of this.


