Friday, August 28, 2015

The Reason Why

Why write?
Why imagine?
Why share anything at all?

The reason why?
To express.
Express such love,
             such sadness,
             such anger,
             And my emotions for you. 
But how do you express such things to someone with no reply.
You once said you favorite 98% of the tweets on your feed. 
But mine remain the 2% unnoticed. 

The reason why?
Because I'm not good at expressing myself without hurting others. 
But one day, I'll escape the 2% and be noticed. 
Not only by you, but by the world. 

The reason why I write?

Because we talk about life in metaphors..
And if we're in the middle of a our last game.. 

                    I'd have to say..
                    In this moment..

                   I missed the ball.     


  1. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. That ending though. I love this.

  2. True love is how I feel about this post.

    Truly. I'm coming back for more.

  3. Why do we write.

    This is the biggest question of all.

    Thanks for this. Welcome to the blogs.
